Madness Project Nexus Sprites

I made this Sprite Pack last year, some of you guys have allready the madness project nexus sheet. So i made this Sprite Pack before i had the Madness Project Nexus Sprites Its for Flash CS5.5 maybe it will work on Flash CS6. OC Sprites Posted by Zapchon - December 26th, 2018 I originally planned to release my current OC's sprites after Madness Liberation was finished, but it's going to take much longer than I thought so I'm just releasing the sprites now. Back from hell, I'm still strong and awesome as always, preparing new things!!

Posted by Seancglover - February 9th, 2018

Yo, will be updating this post whenever I upload more sprite sheets, so keep your eyes on this space. was going to do them all in one fla. But it would be a huge file and a fucking mess to organise so maybe one day ill do it.

Also for some reason in the first few films, Krinkels animated grunts with movieclips instead of directly in layers on the canvas for some reason. So I just left all the movie clips in there.


MADNESS COMBAT 2 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 3 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 4 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 5 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 5.5 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 6 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 6.6 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 7 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 7.6 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 8 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 9 (CS6) (Flash 8)

MADNESS COMBAT 10 (CS6) (Flash 8)


INCIDENT: 111A (CS6) (Flash 8)

INCIDENT: 1000A (CS6) (Flash 8)

INCIDENT: 110A (CS6) (Flash 8)

INCIDENT: 001A (CS6) (Flash 8)

INCIDENT: 011A (CS6) (Flash 8)

INCIDENT: 100A (CS6) (Flash 8)

INCIDENT: 101A (CS6) (Flash 8)

INCIDENT: 010A (CS6) (Flash 8)


GARBAGE (CS6) (Flash 8)
PISS (CS6) (Flash 8)
CRAP (CS6) (Flash 8)
MUSIC VIDEO (CS6) (Flash 8)
TRICKY MADNESS 2 (CS6) (Flash 8)

Having difficulty playing Project Nexus Classic? Here's a handy video that might help you!

Follow us on Twitter: for development details and sneak peeks, and on Facebook /projectnexus2 to come chat with us about updates and such.


This game currently features:

* Arena Mode - Play through the Nexus Training Program and become the most powerful L337 Unit in all of Nevada!


* Story Mode - Take down Project Nexus, selecting from a handful of heroes from the Madness universe to do the job.

But the story is not over! This game will be updated with more missions, more story, more game modes, and MOAR MADNESS.

Madness Project Nexus Sprite Sheet

Hope you enjoy!

-Krinkes & Swain 4EVER



// ******* UPDATE LOG v1.7: ******* //



* NEW GUNS: Thompson, MP40, G36, AutomagV, and P1445

* NEW HELMETS: All sorts of tasty treats.

* LOW QUALITY BACKGROUNDS OPTION - Good for laggy computers on Arena mode!

* NEW NPC: Cheshyre added to Arena. He is a Zombie wreckingball.

* M249 NERFED - Rifle perks no longer apply, and it's a pain in the ass to lug around.

Madness Project Nexus 2

* MOAR DEATHS: Four new ways for suckas to die.

// ******* UPDATE LOG v1.8: ******* //

* STORY MODE: Brand new EPISODE 1.5!

* NEW WEAPONS: ElectroCannon and Science-y stuff.

* NEW ENEMIES: Abominations, Sleepwalker Patients, Riot Guards, and more!

* NEW NPC: Luis is ready to drink all of your liquor.

Thanks for your patience on eliminating these bugs. Not everything translates well from testing after release :( Good news is, with you guys helping me find problems, I can eliminate them even more quickly! Keep it coming, and thanks for helping us out while we try to make Project Nexus a better game for you!
