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  1. REAL TREES II is a realistic 3D tree model library for architectural visualization. The library includes 15 different exotic tree species, each with several model variations to ensure realistic looks. The models are included as single 3D models for 3Ds Max, Sketchup, MODO, Blender, Rhino, Cinema 4D, FBX, OBJ and scattered forest presets for easy forest creation (as Forest Pack Pro presets for.
  2. Free plant models for GrowFX. GrowFX is a plug-in for Autodesk ® 3ds Max ®, allowing you to build any plants and trees. You can recreate digitally a lifelike 3D model of any plant, from grass and trees to woodland using a refreshingly simple interface and an essential set of parameters that you can set up yourself. Show only products on sale.
  3. Download GrowFX + Crack. The purpose of plug-ins is to expand the functionality of the host program. Most of them are simple tools but in some cases these can accomplish a complex set of actions. Such is the case of GrowFX.

Download Download Demo GrowFX 1.9.9 Service Pack 8 GrowFX creates broad-leaf, coniferous and palm trees, flowers, ivy and other kinds of foliage. Featuring unique modeling tools, GrowFX lets you create creeping plants, winding themselves around objects of a scene, sheared plants of any shape.

Exlevel has released GrowFX 2.0, the long-awaited new version of the 3ds Max plant-generation plugin, introducing a node-based interface for authoring parametric plant models.


The release, which has been in beta since 2019, is the first full-point update to GrowFX in over a decade.

A veteran parametric 3D plant-generation add-on for 3ds Max
First released in 2008, GrowFX is a respected add-on for generating 3D trees and other plants in 3ds Max.

The models are fully parametric, with users also able to control the shapes of stems and branches with splines, or to trim foliage into topiary by slicing it with planes or 3D objects.

Plants can be made to react to the geometry in a scene, making it possible to grow them over surfaces, or repel them from surrounding obstacles or other plants.

Most parameters in the software are animatable, making it possible to create growth and wind animations.

New in version 2.0: author 3D plants via visual programming in the new Node Editor
The main change in GrowFX 2.0 is the new Node Editor, shown in the video above, which makes it possible to author plants by wiring together nodes in a graph.

As well as providing finer control over the form of a plant, the new node-based workflow makes it much clearer how each parameter governing the form of a plant interacts with others.

Plants created in earlier versions of the software can be converted automatically.

The base architecture was originally rolled out in the beta release in 2019, with the stable release also introducing new sets of math and utility nodes, and support for animated parameters.

In addition, version 2.0 introduces a new algorithm for the Path Reaction modifier, and new control parameters for a couple of other modifiers. You can find a full list of changes via the links below.

Pricing and system requirements
GrowFX 2.0 is available for 32-bit and 64-bit 3ds Max 2013+. New perpetual liences cost $325.

Read a full list of new features in GrowFX 2.0 in the online release notes

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Tags: 3D plant, 3D tree, 3ds max, add-on, animated plant, arch viz, architectural visualization, bush, Exlevel, grass, GrowFX, GrowFX 2.0, growth animation, new features, Node Editor, node-based, parametric, plant creator, plant generator, plugin, price, shrub, system requirements, vfx, visual effects, visual programming, wind animation

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Topaz Labs LLC
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Topaz Clean is a vеrsatilе plugin fоr Phоtоshоp that can clеan up unwantеd dеtails frоm digital phоtоs, as wеll as tо rеfinе tеxturеs and stylizе еdgеs. It is a multi-purpоsе graphic assistant that prоducеs uniquе еffеcts and can bе usеd tо cartооnizе picturеs all thе samе.

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